Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Healing Rooms of Louisville at the City of Hope Have First Testimony of Healing

The Healing Rooms of Louisville KY openned last week. The City of Hope located at 1909 Standard Ave has its first testimony of a healing. Larry says he was at the City of Hope for other reasons than the healing room but ended up getting some of his hearing in his right ear, which never had any hearing before.

The current schedule is:

Wed - City of Hope, 1909 Standard Ave., 1pm-3pm

Evangel at 6900 Billtown Rd., 5pm-7pm

Thurs - Evangel North, 1430 Cedar St., Clarksville, IN, 6pm-8pm

Fri - Evangel at 5400 Minors Lane, 5pm-7pm

Sat - Evangel North, 1430 Cedar St., Clarksville, IN 12 noon-2pm

Come and see the power of God either by receiving a healing or learning how to prayer for the healing of others; body, soul, and spirit.

The Healing Rooms of Louisville welcomes you.