Bill Maher and Oprah have a common problem. They are both hung up on the Bible verses that say, "God is a jealous God."
The problem is due to the way the negative connotation of the word "jealous" is predominate in our society today. However, there is a positive and a negative side to the word. Both sides are noted in scripture.
In Gal 5:20 jealousy is listed as an act of a sinful nature.
In 2 Cor 11:2 Paul refers to a jealousy for others, indicating a relationship that he is zealous to keep.
So the word "jealous" actually means an exclusive single-mindedness of emotion which may be morally blameworthy or praiseworthy.
The good or the bad connotation is dependent upon whether the object of the jealousy is the self or a cause beyond the self.
If the object is the self then envy is the rusult.
If the object is a cause beyond the self then the result is a single-minded persuit of a good end.
An example would be the marriage covenant, where a jealousy for the exclusiveness of the relationship is a necessary condition of its permanence.
Howie53's response on YouTube says it way better than I.
Howie53 Gets It Right